Monday, May 12, 2008

When politics become personal

Here's what I think:
I think America is truly the land of the free. I think that just the fact that we're freely able to send crappy political ranty emails to each other is great. We hold no fears that heavy-booted thugs from the government will crash in our doors in the dead of night and haul a member of our family away because they dared speak against the leader of the land. I love that.

But here's the thing. When politics becomes personal, when you start pointing your finger and saying "you..." at the beginning of hate-filled diatribes, expect me to get off the party bus. If you've pointed at a member of my family just before you decided to call him out as "a death-mongerer" for voting Republican, well, buckle up, kiddies, cause we're going for a ride.

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