Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's beginning to feel.....

This time I have pictures and not much more.

These first two are from work.

There is a huge tree outside our building that developed a big crack down the trunk after the latest high winds. The tree guys came out and climbed around it and gave it a haircut, took some weight off the top and cut off the split ends at the bottom. They put a big ponytail holder around the lower branches to keep the whole thing in one piece for as long as possible.

Did you know the Griswolds live in the Hills?

I had to take two pictures to fit their front yard into my cell phone camera. The light-y goodness is FABulous. The pictures on my crappy phone do not do justice to the millions of lights in the first photo. They just go on forever back from the street. Wowza. It's no wonder those dudes in the desert could find that tiny manger. It's lit up like Vegas.

1 comment:

NWO Observer said...

nice christmas pictures!